Pubg Mobile Try Now

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  • PUBG Mobile Game Play Online. It's the age of smartphones and tablets. Gamers don't want to get stuck in front of their PC screens anymore and game developers have no other choice but to adapt to this new demand. Many popular online games have already been ported to mobile and now it's the turn of PUBG!
  • PUBG Mobile is beta testing its new map ahead of update 0.5.0, and anyone can take part in the early-access phase. In this short guide, we'll tell you how to join the beta if/when slots open.


Are you afraid of challenges or ready to take one when you see it? Do you want to find out what you're worth? PUBG gives you such an opportunity! Face 100 opponents from all over the world, with a real person, just like you, controlling each of them, and try to take them all out on a deserted island in the middle of the sea where nobody will save you except yourself! Once you land, look across the surroundings – you are surely going to find a lot of helpful stuff you can use to increase your chances for victory. That includes various kinds of weapons, from melee varieties to fire guns and bombs, ammunition and supplies and even vehicles you can drive across and haunt your foes that are still on foot. The zone of action will be continuously diminishing and the action will grow ever hotter. You won't be able to relax even for a second! Astonishing video and audio effects, high-resolution graphics worked out down to the last detail and realistic mechanics guarantee 100% involvement in the gameplay! Team up with your friends, devise a perfect strategy for eliminating your opponents and coordinate your moves to become the winner of this adrenaline-packed multiplayer! This is something you can't miss!

Pubg Mobile Apk

PUBG MOBILE 0.4.0 update now is live. See the full patch note inside.



Are you afraid of challenges or ready to take one when you see it? Do you want to find out what you're worth? PUBG gives you such an opportunity! Face 100 opponents from all over the world, with a real person, just like you, controlling each of them, and try to take them all out on a deserted island in the middle of the sea where nobody will save you except yourself! Once you land, look across the surroundings – you are surely going to find a lot of helpful stuff you can use to increase your chances for victory. That includes various kinds of weapons, from melee varieties to fire guns and bombs, ammunition and supplies and even vehicles you can drive across and haunt your foes that are still on foot. The zone of action will be continuously diminishing and the action will grow ever hotter. You won't be able to relax even for a second! Astonishing video and audio effects, high-resolution graphics worked out down to the last detail and realistic mechanics guarantee 100% involvement in the gameplay! Team up with your friends, devise a perfect strategy for eliminating your opponents and coordinate your moves to become the winner of this adrenaline-packed multiplayer! This is something you can't miss!

Pubg Mobile Apk

PUBG MOBILE 0.4.0 update now is live. See the full patch note inside.

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Pubg Mobile Play Online

It's the age of smartphones and tablets. Gamers don't want to get stuck in front of their PC screens anymore and game developers have no other choice but to adapt to this new demand. Many popular online games have already been ported to mobile and now it's the turn of PUBG! Our favorite multiplayer shooter is now available on the small screen! Don't worry, it hasn't become any less spectacular or functional. Actually, the game is now even more convenient and exciting than it used to be! Find out more below.

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